
OGKK Seminar 2009 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会技術講習会

Okinawa Goju Ryu Kyokai seminar was held on Aug 21st and Aug 22nd at Matsushima Elementary school's gymnasium in Naha city. It was so hot and humid some overseas practioners that were not used to hot weather must have felt dizzy.
On both days, the seminar started at 9:00a.m. with warm-up exercises. I attended it on the first day. The seminar was conducted mainly by Onaga sensei. It began with the warm-up exercises too and lasted until 10:30 a.m. And we had a 10 minute break. Sports drinks were prepared in the left corner and practioners rushed to it to get one and gulped down it.
Sanchin and Tensho training came after the warm-up exercises. It was continued until 12:00p.m. There was a 2hour break for lunch and a rest.

The seminar was began again at 2:00p.m with Gekisaiichi. Lesson on every Kara from Gekisaiichi to Seipai was given with demos of masters' kata.


Flag of seminar

Senseis in a queue at opening ceremony of the seminar

Warm-up exercises





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