Happy New Year! Hope all of you had a good one.
May 2015 bring peace, happiness, health and hope to you all.
So as we do on new year's day, we went jogging around Tsuhako area, starting at the dojo stopping by the Baten fishing port and a shrine.
初日の出まえに記念撮影 津波古ビーチ just before the first sunrise i 2015 |
津波古の土地の神様を祀る土帝君にて at the shrine overlooking Sashiki area |
The first training in the dojo 2015
新年会開始 |
新年の挨拶を述べる先生 Making speech |
Here's to our happiness, health and hope in 2015! 乾杯の挨拶 |
新年会の様子 |
滋賀順道館からも木村さん、三小田さんがいらっしゃいました。 |
Paul san from Canada gave us a phone call saying "Happy New Year!"
We all thank you, Paul san!
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