It's been a long time since the last blog. How have you been?
2009OTKWT had been held from Aug 14th(Fri) to Aug 16th at Okinawa Prefectural Hall of Martial Arts.
The Minei Dojo joined the Opening ceremony & Demonstrations on Aug 14th as a member of OGKK. OGKK adult perfomed Seipai, children Gekisai daiichi and Gekisai daiini.
Many Karate practitioners from all over the world were found perfoming so hard, maybe it could have been much harder than Okinawan practitioners. What is more, Some of them were more polite than those of Okinawas, which made me amazed. Anyway I realised that Karate won the popularity globally around the world. We, Okinawan, should be very proud of it.

The Photo above: Minei Nanko sensei with Adult students and children students after the demonstration.