
2010年最後の研究会 The last monthly seminar in 2010 takes place

The photos below are of the last monthly seminar in 2010 at the Hichiya Dojo(the Honbu dojo of OGKK)  
gekisai daini

seiinchin 制引戦

shisohchin 四向戦

this is the begining of shisohchin

sanseiru 三十六手

seipai 十八手

2 件のコメント:

carlos garcia さんのコメント...

good morning
my name is Carlos Garcia,
I live in Murcia, Spain
I am a student of Onaga sensei
For me it's an honor to know your weblog

嶺井空手道場 さんのコメント...

Hi.Thank you for visiting our blog.